
A Simple Thank You Can Mean So Much : A Special Thank You Walgreens!

By Kathy E., MK Arcadia Publisher April 11, 2020

Macaroni Kid Arcadia is joining the movement to thank all the people – the grocery store workers, truck drivers, first responders, health care workers, postal workers, and more– who are making daily sacrifices to support the COVID-19 coronavirus fight.

As the beloved television personality Mister Rogers famously said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

My family is extremely grateful for the outpouring of bravery and support from all the “helpers” at My Walgreens. The staff at Walgreens is working tirelessly to ensure that all customers are safe and cared for while simultaneously attempting to anticipate and prepare for what’s coming next. While customer care and safety are their first priority, it must be difficult for workers to juggle all that is demanded of them during these unprecedented times. The challenges are ever present, but my kids and I find the helpers we need are front and center at Walgreens. They are the cashiers greeting us with a smile, even behind masks (you can see it in their eyes), the team members ensuring essential products are stocked on the shelves daily, and the pharmacists who work diligently and efficiently to make sure our required medical prescriptions are available when we need them. 

My Walgreens is one of the only places I will go to during this uncertain time, if I need to leave my home at all. Over the weekend, I needed to pick up a prescription for my son’s allergies as well as needing to purchase a few personal care and health items. I love how customer-centric my Walgreens is with social distancing procedures that include marking floor areas in front of the pharmacy and front-end counters with tape to ensure 6-foot separation. I can always count on my Walgreen’s commitment to carry high-quality products to fulfill my family’s critical healthcare and essential needs while continuing to provide a safe environment for customers, like me who continue to come to Walgreens for goods during this uncertain time. 

Together, my family decided to show our appreciation and let all the helpers at my local Walgreens know how much we value their service and commitment to the community. My family has been collecting letters of gratitude from local residents and presented them to the staff at Walgreens last week. We were honored to present them with a “Thank You” banner as well as some fresh delicious baked goods for the “helpers” from Puffect Bakery.

So much of what we’ve seen over the last few weeks has been heroic, from the first responders, health care workers, my local Walgreen employees and pharmacists, delivery drivers, mail carriers and more; everyone working to keep our families and loved ones safe, healthy, and as close to our normal lives as possible. 

Together, let’s demonstrate our appreciation and let the helpers know how much we value their service and commitment.

If you are in need of essentials, find your local Walgreens HERE.  #sponsored  #MyWalgreens  #MKthanksWalgreens 

Learn more about how Walgreens is responding to COVID-19 and how they’re handling the crisis here

Facebook: @Walgreens

Twitter: @Walgreens

Instagram: @Walgreens

Macaroni Kid Arcadia is honored to partner with Walgreens to show our gratitude toward their team members for continuing to stay open so we can take care of our loved ones. I was  compensated for this article but all opinions are my own.