
Start Your Fitness Journey With Healthy Eating And Exercise

By Aimee Mendoza , MacKid Arcadia Assistant Publisher May 10, 2018

 Join my FREE Facebook group: Get Moving in May challenge!

Sometimes it’s clear skies and smooth sailing. Sometimes it’s a space mission gone horribly wrong. Most of the time it’s somewhere in between. It’s a day like today that has started off gloomy and overcast, but will clear up and become warm and sunny. We have no control over the weather, or that our kid knocked over the cup of coffee that got cold before we could drink it. We have no control over the million other things that other people do throughout the day that impact us. What we have control is our choices, how we respond to the things that are happening around us, and how we think about things.

It’s not easy making these daily choices. Do I have a super healthy smoothie, loaded with nutrients that will fuel my body, or do I have that Pop Tart that is loaded with sugar and artificial dyes that I’ve been craving for a week, for my breakfast? It seems like a no brainer when I put it like that, but when I’m in that moment, trying to get the boys out the door and off to school, that Pop Tart sure seems like a good idea. It’s moments like these that can potentially take our journey in so many different directions. So what do we do about this? How do we ensure that we make the good choices more often than the bad choices? We work at it! We put in the practice every day and eventually we will master the art of making the better choice. 

It’s not easy, but I’m learning that it is possible.

The past couple of weeks have been full of moments like this for me. I’ve made some good choices, and I’ve made some bad ones. The best of all of these choices for me is to get back on track with my health and fitness. I’m using the resources and the support system that I have developed as a Team Beachbody coach. I have an entire library of workout options at my disposal from Beachbody On Demand. It’s like the Netflix of fitness! I also have the amazing nutrition guides that go with each of these programs. There is even a brand new approach to nutrition that was launched this past week that I am so excited about! I’ll be sharing more about 2B Mindset as the weeks progress, but to sum it up, this program is all about how we approach food and nutrition, along with all of the hard stuff and baggage that goes with that. I am also leaning heavily on my Team Beachbody support group on Facebook. This has been one of the most important resources to me because, let’s face it, it’s hard to make the good choices alone.

I am checking in as a coach with the people who have trusted me with their goals, and I am checking in the team of coaches that I have come to love as an amazing tribe that lifts each other up daily. After some reflection and some time with the materials from 2B Mindset, I decided on Monday that it was time for a 3 Week Yoga Retreat. This reboot is exactly what I need in my life right now. The yoga has felt AMAZING! It’s helping me to loosen up some of the tensions that have been building up over time. It is also helping me regroup mentally and emotionally, and it's a perfect companion to 2B Mindset. Monday the 7th was day one. I’ll be wrapping up the yoga series Memorial Day weekend, just in time for Summer. I’m looking forward to starting the Summer off with a fresh outlook, and to having new challenge in the works!

If you want more information about any of the things I have talked about, or if you want to find out more about the support aspect of Team Beachbody, email me at You can also follow me on Instagram @aimeemmendoza or Facebook

So if you need that nudge, join my FREE Facebook group: Get Moving in May challenge!

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