
Summer Camp For Kids K-12th Grade in Monrovia - Only A Few Weeks Left!

8 weeks of Innovative and Affordable Summer Camps for Kids K-12th grade in Monrovia

By #sponsored March 30, 2018

Sigma Coding is now offering Summer Programming and Robotics Camps in Monrovia!

Choose from morning, afternoon, and late afternoon classes during summer break. 

Children will have free time at the park between 11am and 12pm, so no need for pick-ups between classes if you register for the full day. Lunch will not be provided.

We are also offering before care from 7:00am - 8:00am and after care from 3:00pm - 6:30pm each day for $10 an hour.

All classes are $175 

Contact us at: or call (213) 359-6856

Click Here For Complete Class Descriptions

Beginning Programming with Scratch Jr
Grades K - 2nd
This class is an introduction to programming for young learners. Students will develop a love for programming in this class by learning programming logic while having fun. Students will learn motion, loops, talking, characters, and more. This class will also develop students writing and reading. We will also discuss internet safety. Each student will receive a workbook. Programming will be done on tablets. 

Intermediate Programming with Scratch Jr
Grades K - 2nd
This class is a continuation of beginning programming. Students will continue to learn about sequences and the logic behind programming. They will make several multi-step games and educational programs. Students will develop a love for programming in this class by learning programming logic while having fun. Students will learn broadcasting, loops, events, and graphic design. This class will also develop students writing and reading. We will also discuss internet safety and binary. Each student will receive a workbook. Programming will be done on tablets. 

Robotics with Lego WeDo
Grades K - 2nd
Robotics is an interactive course that will teach students how to build, program, collaborate and problem solve. Robotics encompasses many parts of life, and this course will teach students how to build robots to solve a specific task as well as programming them for autonomous and human-controlled operation. No prior robotics experience required. Students will also learn about programming through the lego programming interface.  

Web Development Part 1 (HTML)
Grades 3rd - 8th
Web development encompasses all of the programming necessary for web sites. In this class, students will lean about front-end web development in HTML, which is one of the languages web browsers understand. HTML focuses on the visual aspect of web design, including fonts, images, tables, and arranging objects on a page. This is a great intro class for students because of the visual aspect. This is also a great next step for student who have taken Scratch or have some programming experience. Students will have a clear understanding of HTML tags and how to create basic web sites. Students will receive a workbook and USB drive. 

Level 1 Programming with Scratch
Grades 3rd - 8th
No prerequisite needed for this course! This class will teach students the fundamentals of programming in a fun, graphical environment. Students will learn about conditions, loops, actions, movement, and events. The students will create many programs that reinforce these topics in an entertaining and educational manner. The course comes with a workbook for the students and a USB drive. There are also laptops available for students who cannot bring one from home.  

Level 2 Programming with Scratch 
Grades 3rd - 8th
Prerequisite - Level 1 Programming. This class will allow the students to continue developing their programming skills. Students will learn about sounds, user inputs, graphics, lists, variables, and much more. The course comes with a workbook for the students and a USB drive. There are also laptops available for students who cannot bring one from home. 

Level 3 Programming with Scratch 
Grades 3rd - 8th
Prerequisite - Level 1 and Level 2 Programming. Known as advanced Scratch Programming. Students will lean how to program gravity, platform scrolling, customizable blocks, and much more. The course comes with a workbook for the students and a USB drive. There are also laptops available for students who cannot bring one from home. 

Intro to Robotics with VEX IQ
Grades 4th - 8th
Robotics is an interactive course that will teach students how to build, program, collaborate and problem solve. Robotics encompasses many parts of life, and this course will teach students how to build robots to solve a specific task as well as programming them for autonomous and human-controlled operation. No prior robotics or programming experience is required. 

 To register for classes click here

About Sigma Coding
Sigma Coding is a business founded to address the need for skilled students and adults in the ever-growing technology field. Our mission is to empower students to succeed tomorrow by integrating technology into education today. Through Sigma Coding classes, students can explore topics not typically covered in traditional curricula. These topics include computer science and engineering, which can then be applied through stand-alone programming, web development, mobile app creation, and robotics. The goal of our courses is to expose students to a wide variety of STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) so that they can compete in an increasingly technological world. We strive to make these fields accessible to as many families as possible by offering classes at affordable rates.